Video Format and Upload

Video Format
File Type: AVI
Codec: H264 AVI
Please note: The specifications must be adhered to for a perfect upload. Incorrect aspect ratio will lead to a stretched/cropped video. Incorrect pixel size will result in the file failing to play.
File Format Requirements: MP4 / AVI / AMV

Naming Convention
Depending on the options selected, the Video Brochure is capable of holding up to and including 6 videos. There are a number of options for video play:
1. Numeric Order
2. Lowest First
3. Alphabetical Order
Our recommendation is to name each video in numeric order (00, 01, 02, 03 etc) to ensure synchronisation with the numbered buttons on the Video Brochure. In order for the correct video sequence to be opened when the ‘auto-play’ option has been selected, the video needs to be loaded twice and prefixed 00 and 01. The video will start upon opening the Brochure as well as when the ‘video 1’ button is pressed.
For Example:
Auto-run video – 00.avi
Video 1 – 01.avi
Video 2 – 02.avi

To Load Videos
Loading videos to our Video Book is as simple as adding or deleting files from a USB drive.

Single Video
1. Connect the Video Book to your computer using the mini USB to USB cable.
2. From ‘My Computer’, select the external drive and open to view contents.
3. Remove content when desired.
4. Select correctly formatted file you wish to add, then simply ‘drag and drop’ the video into the Video Book.

Video Volume
Upon loading videos to remember to keep volume levels consistent across all files when supplying multiple videos. Our Video Book is as simple as adding or deleting files from a USB drive.
The preset will be 55 dB for units with no volume buttons.

Multiple Videos
When uploading multiple video files, we recommend using the same ‘file type’ for all videos to ensure the highest quality viewing experience.
1. Connect the Video Book to your computer using the mini USB to USB cable.
2. From ‘My Computer’ select the external drive and open to view contents.
3. Remove content when desired.
4. Remember to follow the recommended ‘Naming Convention’ when adding multiple videos to ensure the files play in the correct order.
5. Select correctly formatted files you wish to add, then simply ‘drag and drop’ the videos into the Video Book, disconnect the USB and all videos are ready to play.

Splash Screen
We recommend using the same ‘file type’ for all images to ensure the highest quality viewing experience.
Image Type: Static Image
File Type: JPEG
Size: According to selected screen size

Battery Charging
1. Connect the Video Book to your computer using a mini USB to USB cable.
2. A battery icon will appear in the top right corner of the screen on the Video Book.
3. Once the icon shows a ‘full battery’, the battery is fully charged and the Brochure is able to be detached.